Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn / Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
Original Title: Doragon bôru zetto: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Goku to Bejita / Ryûken bakuhatsu!! Gokû ga yaraneba dare ga yaru
Country of Origin:  Japan
Production year: 1995
Directors: Shigeyasu Yamauchi, Mitsuo Hashimoto
Rating: Rating
UPC [Locale]: 4-006448-750831
Running time: 1:37 (97 Min.)
Casetype: Keep Case
Format: Color, 1.33:1, Full Frame
DVD-Format: Single-Sided, Single-Layered
Released: August 25, 2003
Collection type: Owned (#10163)
Status: Available
Purchase date: December 31, 2004
Purchase price: Hidden
Review (movie): 0 / 10
Review (video): 0 / 10
Teil 1: Fusion
Das Jenseits ist auch nicht mehr das, was es mal war. Genauer gesagt herrscht dort das totale Chaos, seitdem die Seelen-Reinigungsmaschine mit einem lauten Knall explodiert ist. Der kleine Junge, der in der Nähe der Maschine stand, wird durch die freigesetzten bösen Kräfte zu Janemba - einem ebenso kugelrunden wie boshaften Wesen. Janemba verändert die Regeln des Jenseits, schafft Chaos and Verwüstung und öffnet die Tür ins Reich der Lebenden - nun sorgen die Schurken der Hölle auch noch in der diesseitigen Welt für Ärger. Werden Son-Gohan, Videl, Trunks, Son-Goten, Vegeta and Son-Goku wieder die alte Ordnung herstellen können?

Teil 2: Drachenfaust
Was für ein Tag. Nicht nur das Son-Gohan und Videl als verbrechensbekämpfendes Team alle Hände voll zu tun haben, in Satan-City für Ruhe und Ordnung zu sorgen, nun sorgt auch noch, ein alter and augenscheinlich verrückter Mann namens Hoy fur jede Menge Arger. Der fürchterlicher Drache Hildegarn sei unterwegs um alles zu vernichten, was sich ihm in den Weg stellt und nur ein Krieger sei fähig ihn zu töten: der legendare Tapion.
Ein fast aussichtsloser Kampf beginnt - gegen einen Gegner, der selbst die Z-Fighter alt aussehen lässt. Und wenn sich daran nicht irgendentwas ändert, wird das Böse fur immer siegen
DVD Covers
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn / Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn / Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
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Audio format
German  Dolby Digital 5.1
Category: TV Show
Category: TV Show: Series Special
German Audio Track
never watched
Watchable Profile
Scene Access, Feature Trailers, DVD-ROM Content
 Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Goku to Bejita
Masako Nozawa....Son Gokû (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Son Gohan (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Son Goten (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Gogeta (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Veku (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Gotenks (voice)
Ryô Horikawa....Vegeta (voice)
Ryô Horikawa....Gogeta (voice)
Ryô Horikawa....Veku (voice)
Takeshi Kusao....Trunks (voice)
Takeshi Kusao....Gotenks (voice)
Daisuke Gôri....Enma Daiou (voice)
Daisuke Gôri....Mr. Satan (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru....Bulma (voice)
Naoko Watanabe....Chi-Chi (voice)
Yûko Minaguchi....Videl (voice)
Yûko Minaguchi....Juliano (voice)
Hikaru Midorikawa....Paikûhan (voice)
Jôji Yanami....North Kaiô (voice)
Jôji Yanami....Narration (voice)
Toku Nishio....South Kaiô (voice)
Toku Nishio....Grandpa Hayashida (voice)
Bin Shimada....West Kaiô (voice)
Bin Shimada....The Dictator (voice)
Bin Shimada....Romeo (voice)
Keiko Yamamoto....East Kaiô (voice)
Ryûji Saikachi....Grand Kaiô (voice)
Tesshô Genda....Janemba (voice)
Tesshô Genda....Shenlong (voice)
Ryûsei Nakao....Freeza (voice)
Masahiro Anzai....Blue Oni (voice)
Masahiro Anzai....Vampire (voice)
Hideyuki Miyao....Man A (voice)
Atsushi Kisaichi....Man B (voice)
Sean Schemmel....Goku (voice)
Sean Schemmel....Gogeta (voice)
Sean Schemmel....Veku (voice)
Sean Schemmel....King Kai (voice)
Kyle Hebert....Gohan (voice)
Kyle Hebert....Pikkon (voice)
Kyle Hebert....West Kai (voice)
Kyle Hebert....Narrator (voice)
Kara Edwards....Goten (voice)
Kara Edwards....Gotenks (voice)
Kara Edwards....Videl (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....Vegeta (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....Gogeta (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....Veku (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....Shenron (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....The Dictator (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....Jeice (voice)
Christopher R. Sabat....Mushroom Announcer (voice)
Laura Bailey....Trunks (voice)
Laura Bailey....Gotenks (voice)
Chris Rager....Mr. Satan - Hercule (voice)
Chris Rager....King Yemma (voice)
Cynthia Cranz....Chi-Chi (voice)
Tiffany Vollmer....Bulma (voice)
Tiffany Vollmer....Juliana (voice)
Dameon Clarke....South Kai (voice)
Dameon Clarke....Arqua (voice)
Dameon Clarke....Skull Man (voice)
Stephanie Nadolny....East Kai (voice)
Stephanie Nadolny....Portly Lady (voice)
Stephanie Nadolny....Secretary (voice)
Evan Jones....Grand Kai (voice)
Evan Jones....Commander (voice)
Kent Williams....Janemba (voice)
Jim Foronda....Janempa (voice)
Jim Foronda....Mini Janempas (voice)
Linda Young....Frieza (voice)
Justin Cook....Frogue (voice)
Roberto Colin....Boss (voice)
Andrew Rye....Michael (voice)
Andrew Rye....Daniel (voice)
Jeremy Inman....New Yorker (voice)
Eric Vale....Old Golfer (voice)
Eric Vale....Count Drac (voice)
Ahmad Khafe....Goku (Speedy dub) (voice)
Ahmad Khafe....Gohan (Speedy dub) (voice)
Ahmad Khafe....Dough (Speedy dub) (voice)
Ahmad Khafe....Gota (Speedy dub) (voice)
Ahmad Khafe....Beku (Speedy dub) (voice)
Amir Khafila....Mr. Satan (Speedy dub) (voice)
Amir Khafila....Southern King (Speedy dub) (voice)
Grace Roiyo....Dorangaso (Speedy dub) (voice)
Grace Roiyo....Buruma (Speedy dub) (voice)
Grace Roiyo....Kami (Speedy dub) (voice)
Grace Roiyo....Eastern King (Speedy dub) Big Head (Pre-Transformation) (Spe (voice)
Grace Roiyo....Gorangaso (Speedy dub) (voice)
 Ryûken bakuhatsu!! Gokû ga yaraneba dare ga yaru
Masako Nozawa....Son Gokû (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Son Gohan (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Son Goten (voice)
Masako Nozawa....Gotenks (voice)
Takeshi Kusao....Trunks (voice)
Takeshi Kusao....Gotenks (voice)
Mayumi Tanaka....Kuririn (voice)
Mayumi Tanaka....Minoshia (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru....Bulma (voice)
Masaharu Satô....Kame Sennin (voice)
Masaharu Satô....Shenlong (voice)
Yûko Minaguchi....Videl (voice)
Ryô Horikawa....Vegeta (voice)
Hiro Yûki....Tapion (voice)
Hiro Yûki....Sharpner (voice)
Juji Matsuda....Hoi (voice)
Nobuhiko Kazama....Robber (voice)
Yasuhiko Kawazu....Captain (voice)
Ichirô Nagai....Rubbernecker (voice)
Makiko Ômoto....Teacher (voice)
Yoshiyuki Yukino....Reporter (voice)
Shin Aomori....Hildegarn (voice)
Laura Bailey....Trunks (voice)
Laura Bailey....Gotenks (voice)
Kara Edwards....Goten (voice)
Kara Edwards....Gotenks (voice)
Kara Edwards....Videl (voice)
Kara Edwards....Great Saiyaman 2 (voice)
Tiffany Vollmer....Bulma (voice)
Kyle Hebert....Gohan (voice)
Kyle Hebert....Great Saiyaman (voice)
Sean Schemmel....Goku (voice)
Troy Baker....Hoy (voice)
Sonny Strait....Krillin (voice)
Aaron Dismuke....Minotia (voice)
Jeff Johnson....Mob Guy A (voice)
Jeff Johnson....Additional Voices (voice)
David Trosko....Mob Guy B (voice)
Kevin M. Connolly....Mob Guy C (voice)
Andy Mullins....Radio Voice (voice)
Andy Mullins....HQ Voice (voice)
Ian Sinclair....Robber A (voice)
Markus Lloyd....Robber B (voice)
Jim Johnson....Robber C (voice)
Duncan Brannan....Sharpner (voice)
Christopher Sabat....Shenron (voice)
Christopher Sabat....Vegeta (voice)
Stephanie Nadolny....Teacher (voice)
Mike McFarland....Master Roshi (voice)
Brad Jackson....Oolong (voice)
Jason Liebrecht....Tapion (voice)
Daniel Katsuk....Pilot (voice)
Robert McCollum....Hirudegard (voice)