Farscape: Season 2: Disc 2
Herkunftsland:  Australien
Jahr: 2000
Regie: Ian Watson, Tony Tilse
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: E8C6-0156-6E0B-1120
Laufzeit: 1:28 (88 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Unbekannt
Bildformat: Color, 1.33:1, Vollbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 01. November 2003
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#10144)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 18. September 2004
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
2.04: Crackers Don't Matter
The crew returns from a Commerce Planet with a load of crackers and a meek alien called Traltixx, who promises he can alter Moya's electromagnetics to make her untraceable. Crichton is skeptical; it seems too good to be true. As they pass through a constellation of five pulsars, an intense paranoia affects the crew, turning them violently against each other. Crichton must fight against his own paranoid delusions to work out what Traltixx is actually doing and how to stop him.

2.05: The Way We Weren't
A datacam tape is uncovered showing Aeryn as part of a Peacekeeper firing squad that executed a previous Pilot aboard Moya. The rest of the crew wants answers but Aeryn is recalcitrant about revisiting her past - especially her relationship with Velorek, the man charged with forcibly bonding a new Pilot to Moya. Pilot too refuses to communicate with the crew, not wanting to reveal his own complicity in the murky circumstances surrounding his instatement as Moya's guide.
Farscape: Season 2: Disc 2
Farscape: Season 2: Disc 2
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: TV Show
Category: TV Show: Season Disc
Category: TV Show: Series completed
Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Trailer, Kommentar, Entfernte Szenen, Galerie, Produktions-Notizen
 2.04 Crackers Don't Matter
Ben Browder....John Crichton
Claudia Black....Officer Aeryn Sun
Virginia Hey....Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan
Anthony Simcoe....Ka D'Argo
Gigi Edgley....Chiana
Danny Adcock....T'raltixx
Wayne Pygram....Scorpius
Lani Tupu....Pilot (Stimme)
Jonathan Hardy....Dominar Rygel XVI (Stimme)
 2.05 The Way We Weren't
Ben Browder....John Crichton
Claudia Black....Officer Aeryn Sun
Virginia Hey....Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan
Anthony Simcoe....Ka D'Argo
Gigi Edgley....Chiana
Alex Dimitriades....Lieutenant Velorek
Lani Tupu....Pilot (Stimme)
Lani Tupu....Capt. Bialar Crais
Jonathan Hardy....Dominar Rygel XVI (Stimme)
Melissa Jaffer....Female Pilot (Stimme)