Farscape: Season 1: Disc 2
Herkunftsland:  Australien
Jahr: 1999
Regie: Rowan Woods, Pino Amenta
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 9843-BA0F-347D-BD22
Laufzeit: 1:36 (96 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Unbekannt
Bildformat: Color, 1.33:1, Vollbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 28. Oktober 2002
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#10134)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 18. September 2004
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
Episode 1.03: Back and Back and Back to the Future
Noya rescues two Ilanic scientists from their disintegrating spacecraft, but their transport pod exposes Crichton to a mysterious force that jolts jim back and forth in time. One of the pair, the sensuous Matala, sets out to seduce and divert D'Argo. But Crichton realises that his moments in the future have allowed him to glimpse what Matala is really like, and he tries to change his actions in the present to avert a potential disaster...

Episode 1.04: I, E.T.
At least temporarily on the same side, Moya's crew are forced to land on a swampy, earthlike planet to muffle a tracking signal given out by the spacecraft. To remove it will inflict great pain to the bio-mechanoid, so the crew search for a painkiller for Moya. But matter are complicated by the arrival of the pursuing Peacekeepers, and the frightened local population who have never seen a spaceship before. Crichton begins to come to terms with the fact that HE is now the alien...
Farscape: Season 1: Disc 2
Farscape: Season 1: Disc 2
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: TV Show
Category: TV Show: Season Disc
Category: TV Show: Series completed
Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Trailer, Making Of, Kommentar
 1.05 Back and Back and Back to the Futur
Ben Browder....John Crichton
Claudia Black....Officer Aeryn Sun
Virginia Hey....Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan
Anthony Simcoe....Ka D'Argo
John Clayton....Verell
Lisa Hensley....Matala
Jonathan Hardy....Dominar Rygel XVI (Stimme)
Lani Tupu....Capt. Bialar Crais
 1.02 I, E.T.
Ben Browder....John Crichton
Claudia Black....Officer Aeryn Sun
Virginia Hey....Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan
Anthony Simcoe....Ka D'Argo
Mary Mara....Lyneea
Cayde Tasker....Fostro
Boris Brkic....Ryymax
Mark Shaw....Alien Soldier #1
Dominic Bianco....Alien Hunter #1
Heath Wilder....Alien Hunter #2
Jonathan Hardy....Dominar Rygel XVI (Stimme)
Lani Tupu....Capt. Bialar Crais
Cameron Smith.... (Stimme)