Country of Origin:  United States
Production year: 2005
Director: Chris Wedge
Rating: Rating
UPC [Locale]: 4-010232-030986
Running time: 1:20 (80 Min.)
Casetype: Keep Case, Slip Cover
Format: Color, 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
DVD-Format: Single-Sided, Single-Layered
Released: September 22, 2005
Collection type: Owned (#311)
Status: Available
Purchase date: March 17, 2007
Purchase price: Hidden
Review (movie): 0 / 10
Review (video): 0 / 10
Schrott, das ist der Stoff, aus dem Robots-Helden wie Rodney Copperbottom geschraubt sind. Der junge Hobby-Tüftler träumt davon, in Robot City für sein Erfinder-Idol Bigweld zu arbeiten. Daraus wird jedoch nichts, denn der skrupellose Ratchet hat die Macht über Bigwelds Imperium übernommen. Harte Zeiten für einfache Robots: Alle Altbaumodelle sollen verschrottet und durch blitzblanke "Upgrades" ersetzt werden. Jetzt heißt es handeln! Gemeinsam mit seinen neuen rostigen Freunden startet Rodney eine spektakuläre Rettungsmission, bei der so manche Schraube ziemlich locker sitzt...
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Audio format
English  Dolby Digital 5.1
German  Dolby Digital 5.1
Commentary  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: Movie
German Audio Track
Kein Preis
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Watchable Profile
Scene Access, Bonus Trailers, Featurettes, Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Gallery, Interactive Games, Music Videos
Paula Abdul....Watch (voice)
Halle Berry....Cappy (voice)
Lucille Bliss....Pigeon Lady (voice)
Terry Bradshaw....Broken Arm Bot (voice)
Jim Broadbent....Madame Gasket (voice)
Mel Brooks....Bigweld (voice)
Amanda Bynes....Piper (voice)
Drew Carey....Crank (voice)
Jennifer Coolidge....Aunt Fanny (voice)
Dylan Denton....Youngest Rodney (voice)
Will Denton....Young Rodney (voice)
Marshall Efron....Lamppost (voice)
Marshall Efron....Toilet Bot (voice)
Marshall Efron....Bass Drum (voice)
Marshall Efron....Microphone (voice)
Damien Fahey....Stage Announcer (voice)
Lowell Ganz....Mr. Gasket (voice)
Paul Giamatti....Tim the Gate Guard (voice)
Dan Hedaya....Mr. Gunk (voice)
Jackie Hoffman....Water Cooler (voice)
James Earl Jones....Voice Box at Hardware Store (voice)
Greg Kinnear....Ratchet (voice)
Jay Leno....Fire Hydrant (voice)
Natasha Lyonne....Loretta Geargrinder (voice)
Brian McFadden....Trashcan Bot (voice)
Ewan McGregor....Rodney Copperbottom (voice)
Tim Nordquist....Tin Man (voice)
Jansen Panettiere....Younger Rodney (voice)
Al Roker....Mailbox (voice)
Alan Rosenberg....Jack Hammer (voice)
Stephen Tobolowsky....Bigmouth Executive (voice)
Stephen Tobolowsky....Forge (voice)
Stanley Tucci....Herb Copperbottom (voice)
Chris Wedge....Wonderbot (voice)
Chris Wedge....Phone Booth (voice)
Dianne Wiest....Mrs. Copperbottom (voice)
Harland Williams....Lug (voice)
Robin Williams....Fender (voice)
Crawford Wilson....Young Rodney (voice)
Lara Cody....Additional Voices (voice)
Cooper Cowgill....Additional Voices (voice)
David Crommett....Additional Voices (voice)
Darin DePaul....Additional Voices (voice)
Dann Fink....Additional Voices (voice)
Timothy Gulan....Additional Voices (voice)
Alexander Haney....Additional Voices (voice)
Angela Haney....Additional Voices (voice)
Ray Iannicelli....Additional Voices (voice)
Sondra James....Additional Voices (voice)
Vanessa Lemonides....Additional Voices (voice)
Anthony J. Lewis Jr.....Additional Voices (voice)
Marcus Maurice....Additional Voices (voice)
Jennifer Perito....Additional Voices (voice)
Kristin Reeves....Additional Voices (voice)
David Rossmer....Additional Voices (voice)
Lyla Stone....Additional Voices (voice)
Bruce Winant....Additional Voices (voice)