The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Country of Origin:  United States
Production year: 1975
Director: Jim Sharman
Rating: Rating
UPC [Locale]: 4-010232-011817
Running time: 1:36 (96 Min.)
Casetype: Keep Case
Format: Color, 1.66:1 Widescreen
DVD-Format: Single-Sided, Single-Layered
Released: February 08, 2001
Collection type: Owned (#244)
Status: Available
Purchase date: March 24, 2006
Purchase price: Hidden
Review (movie): 0 / 10
Review (video): 0 / 10
"It was great when it all began..." FEIERN SIE MIT UNS DEN 25. GEBURTSTAG DES WOHL SCHRILLSTEN FILM-SPEKTAKELS, DAS JE AUF EINER LEINWAND ZU SEHEN WAR. The Rocky Horror Picture Show ist eine bizarre Comedy-Nightmare, die alles bisher Dagewesene verblassen lässt. Richard O'Briens skurrile Pop-Persiflage schubst Sie in die total verdrehte Welt der Horror-, Sci-Fi- und B-Movies. Mit Tim Curry (in seiner wohl schärfsten Rolle, als bestrapster Dr.Frank N. Furter), Barry Bostwick und Oscar®-Gewinnerin Susan Sarandon. Wagen Sie den Zeitsprung und singen Sie Meatloaf's "Hot Patootie" wieder... und wieder... und wieder... Wer diesen Film einmal gesehen hat, kommt nie wieder davon los!
DVD Covers
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
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Audio format
English  Dolby Digital 5.1
Commentary  Dolby Digital Surround
Other  Dolby Digital Surround
Category: Movie
German Audio Track
Kein Preis
Purchase Item
Watchable Profile
Scene Access, Commentary, Interactive Games, Multi-angle
Tim Curry....Dr. Frank-N-Furter - A Scientist
Susan Sarandon....Janet Weiss - A Heroine
Barry Bostwick....Brad Majors - A Hero
Richard O'Brien....Riff Raff - A Handyman
Patricia Quinn....Magenta - A Domestic
Little Nell....Columbia - A Groupie
Jonathan Adams....Dr. Everett V. Scott - A Rival Scientist
Peter Hinwood....Rocky Horror - A Creation
Meatloaf....Eddie - Ex Delivery Boy
Charles Gray....The Criminologist - An Expert
Jeremy Newson....Ralph Hapschatt
Hilary Labow....Betty Munroe Hapschatt
Perry Bedden....The Transylvanians
Christopher Biggins....The Transylvanians
Gaye Brown....The Transylvanians
Ishaq Bux....The Transylvanians
Stephen Calcutt....The Transylvanians
Hugh Cecil....The Transylvanians
Imogen Claire....The Transylvanians
Tony Cowan....The Transylvanians
Sadie Corre....The Transylvanians
Fran Fullenwider....The Transylvanians
Lindsay Ingram....The Transylvanians
Peggy Ledger....The Transylvanians
Annabelle Leventon....The Transylvanians
Anthony Milner....The Transylvanians
Pamela Obermeyer....The Transylvanians
Tony Then....The Transylvanians
Kimi Wong....The Transylvanians
Gina Barrie....Bridesmaid (uncredited)
Rufus Collins....The Transylvanians (uncredited)
Petra Leah....Bridesmaid (uncredited)
Frank Lester....Wedding dad (uncredited)
John Marquand....Father (uncredited)
Richard Nixon....Himself (archive audio: resignation spee (uncredited, voice)
Koo Stark....Bridesmaid (uncredited)
Henry Woolf....The Transylvanians (uncredited)