Doctor Strange
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 2016
Regisseur: Scott Derrickson
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 9FD0-B3A4-5FF2-9933
Laufzeit: 1:55 (115 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Digibook, Slip Cover
Bildformat: Color, 2.20:1 Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 05. November 2018
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#1489)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 21. April 2020
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
From Marvel comes Doctor Strange, the story of world-famous neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he is forced to look for healing and hope, in an unlikely place – a mysterious enclave known as Kamar-Taj. He quickly learns that this is not just a centre for healing but also the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying our reality. Before long Strange – armed with newly acquired magical powers – is forced to choose whether to return to his life of fortune and status or leave it all behind to defend the world as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.
Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange
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Englisch  DTS HD Master Audio 7.1
Spanisch  DTS 5.1
Hindi  Dolby Digital 5.1
Audio Descriptive  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Kantonesisch  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: Film
Verse: Marvel
Verse: Marvel: MCU
Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Making Of, Kommentar, Entfernte Szenen, Outtakes
Benedict Cumberbatch....Dr. Stephen Strange
Chiwetel Ejiofor....Mordo
Rachel McAdams....Dr. Christine Palmer
Benedict Wong....Wong
Mads Mikkelsen....Kaecilius
Tilda Swinton....The Ancient One
Michael Stuhlbarg....Dr. Nicodemus West
Benjamin Bratt....Jonathan Pangborn
Scott Adkins....Lucian / Strong Zealot
Zara Phythian....Brunette Zealot
Alaa Safi....Tall Zealot
Katrina Durden....Blonde Zealot
Topo Wresniwiro....Hamir
Umit Ulgen....Sol Rama
Linda Duan....Tina Minoru
Mark Anthony Brighton....Daniel Drumm
Meera Syal....Dr. Patel
Amy Landecker....Dr. Bruner
Adam Pelta-Pauls....Nurse Billy
Sarah Malin....Dr. Garrison
Eben Young....Dr. Weiss
Kobna Holdbrook-Smith....Physical Therapist
Elizabeth Healey....Concerned Doctor
Guillaume Faure....Reluctant Surgeon
Daniel Dow....Mugger
Stan Lee....Bus Passenger
Ezra Khan....Kamar-Taj Librarian
Kimberly Van Luin....Bullet Patient's Wife
Pat Kiernan....Pat Kiernan
Alister Albert....Junior Doctor (uncredited)
Moya Allen....Alexis Scrub Nurse (uncredited)
Raj Awasti....Street Passerby (uncredited)
Annarie Boor....Orderly (uncredited)
Dante Briggins....Orderly (uncredited)
Jill Buchanan....Physio Patient (uncredited)
John Capel....New York businessman (uncredited)
Sandra Capel....New York Businesswoman (uncredited)
Alice Chen....Hong Kong Woman (uncredited)
Cheryl Chu....Hong Kong Daughter (uncredited)
Bern Collaço....Orderly (uncredited)
Gary Davies....New York construction worker (uncredited)
Bash Dinsmore....Kamar-Taj Apprentice (uncredited)
Ryan Dizon....Hong Kong Son #2 (uncredited)
Zachary Dizon....Hong Kong Son #1 (uncredited)
Cameron Edwards....Passerby (uncredited)
Daniel Eghan....Hospital Visitor (uncredited)
Juani Feliz....Girl on the Bus (uncredited)
Sian Francis....Claire Scrub Nurse (uncredited)
Ulises Galeano....Pedestrian (uncredited)
Martavius Gunn....Orderly (uncredited)
Chris Hemsworth....Thor (uncredited)
Leigh Holland....Pedestrian (uncredited)
Kevin Hudson....Nurse (uncredited)
Mo Idriss....New York Pedestrian (uncredited)
Tamika Katon-Donegal....Assistant (uncredited)
Faith Logan....Pedestrian (uncredited)
Tyrone Love....Merc Driver (uncredited)
Pezh Maan....Doctor (uncredited)
Shilpa Maskey....Girl in Nepal (uncredited)
Kei Miura....Hong Kong Officer (uncredited)
Sandeep Mohan....Surgeon (uncredited)
Cameron Moon....Sadhu (uncredited)
Shina Shihoko Nagai....Martial Artist / Waitress (uncredited)
Charlie Nevett....Kamar Taj Apprentice (uncredited)
Emeson Nwolie....Man in Street (uncredited)
Jag Patel....Pedestrian (uncredited)
Dean Ridge....Nervous Zelot (uncredited)
Henardo Rodriguez....Pedestrian (uncredited)
Samantha Russell....Apprentice (uncredited)
Rock Ryan....Pedestrian (uncredited)
Michelle Santiago....Driver (uncredited)
Nancy Ellen Shore....New York Pedestrian / Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Tina Simmons....New York Tourist (uncredited)
Rachel Emma Slack....NYC Pedestrian (uncredited)
Clem So....Kamar-Taj Disciple (uncredited)
Fran Targ....Disciple (uncredited)
Ruolan Zhang....Tea Lady (uncredited)