Star Trek: The Original Series: Season 2: Disc 1
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 1967
Regie: Joseph Pevney, Marc Daniels
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 09E0-CC85-0865-2A7A
Laufzeit: 3:22 (202 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Keep Case
Bildformat: Color, 1.33:1, Vollbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 05. Dezember 2019
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#14466)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 07. Dezember 2022
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10

Pon Farr (Weltraumfieber) (Amok Time) - Stardate: 3372.7

To everyone's shock and amazement, Mr.Spock suddenly begins to behave irrationally, becoming angry and shouting. Captain Kirk finally determines that Spock is entering the Vulcan mating frenzy, Pon farr, and must be returned to Vulcan for an ancient ritual during which he will be married...

Der Tempel des Apoll (Who Mourns For Adonais?) - Stardate: 3468.1
Whilst exploring space, the USS Enterprise is suddenly grasped and held by a giant hand. A powerful being appears before the starship and announces that he is the Greek God Apollo. This awesome figure demands that the starship crew forsake their vessel and worship him...

Ich heisse Nomad (The Changeling) - Stardate: 3541.9
Investigating the tragic loss of the Malutian system's four billion inhabitants, the Enterprise encounters Nomad. This space probe is beamed aboard the Enterprise where it mistakes Kirk for its creator. Only this precarious case of misidentification stands between the Enterprise and the destruction of the probe.

Ein Paralleluniversum (Mirror, Mirror) - Stardate: Unknown
After negotiations to obtain dilithium crystals from the Halkan Council were unsuccessful, Kirk and his landing party beam up through a fierce atmosphere storm. They are accidentally swapped for counterparts from a savage mirror universe...
Star Trek: The Original Series: Season 2: Disc 1
Star Trek: The Original Series: Season 2: Disc 1
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Deutsch  Dolby Digital Mono
Englisch  DTS HD Master Audio 5.1
Englisch  Dolby Digital Mono
Spanisch  Dolby Digital Mono
Französisch  Dolby Digital Mono
Italienisch  Dolby Digital Mono
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig: Komplettbox
Deutscher Ton
Verse: Star Trek
Watchable Profile
Trailer, Making Of
 2.01 Amok Time
William Shatner....Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk
Leonard Nimoy....Mr. Spock
DeForest Kelley....Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Celia Lovsky....T'Pau
Arlene Martel....T'Pring
Lawrence Montaigne....Stonn
Majel Barrett....Nurse Christine Chapel
George Takei....Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
Nichelle Nichols....Lieutenant Nyota Uhura
Walter Koenig....Ensign Pavel Chekov
Byron Morrow....Admiral Komack
Bill Blackburn....Lt. Hadley (uncredited)
Frank da Vinci....Vulcan Ceremonial Aide (uncredited)
Walker Edmiston....Space Central (uncredited, Stimme)
Charles Palmer....Vulcan Litter Bearer (uncredited)
Eddie Paskey....Lt. Leslie (uncredited)
Joseph Paz....Vulcan Ceremonial Aide (uncredited)
Russ Peek....Vulcan Executioner (uncredited)
Mary Rice....T'Pring as Child (uncredited)
Mauri Russell....Vulcan Litter Bearer (uncredited)
Gary Wright....Vulcan Litter Bearer (uncredited)
 2.02 Who Mourns for Adonais?
William Shatner....Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk
Leonard Nimoy....Mr. Spock
DeForest Kelley....Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Michael Forest....Apollo
Leslie Parrish....Lt. Carolyn Palamas
James Doohan....Lieutenant Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott
George Takei....Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
Nichelle Nichols....Lieutenant Nyota Uhura
Walter Koenig....Ensign Pavel Chekov
John Winston....Lt. Kyle
Bill Blackburn....Lt. Hadley (uncredited)
Roger Holloway....Lt. Lemli (uncredited)
Eddie Paskey....Lt. Leslie (uncredited)
 2.03 The Changeling
William Shatner....Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk
Leonard Nimoy....Mr. Spock
DeForest Kelley....Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
James Doohan....Lieutenant Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott
Nichelle Nichols....Lieutenant Nyota Uhura
George Takei....Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
Majel Barrett....Nurse Christine Chapel
Blaisdel Makee....Singh
Barbara Gates....Crewwoman
Meade Martin....Crewman
Arnold Lessing....Security Guard
Vic Perrin....Nomad (Stimme)
Bill Blackburn....Lt. Hadley (uncredited)
Frank da Vinci....Lt. Brent (uncredited)
Frank da Vinci....Security Guard (uncredited)
Marc Daniels....Prof. Jackson Roykirk (uncredited)
Roger Holloway....Lt. Lemli (uncredited)
Jeannie Malone....Yeoman (uncredited)
Eddie Paskey....Lt. Leslie (uncredited)
 2.04 Mirror, Mirror
William Shatner....Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk
Leonard Nimoy....Mr. Spock
DeForest Kelley....Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Barbara Luna....Marlena
James Doohan....Lieutenant Commander Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott
George Takei....Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
Nichelle Nichols....Lieutenant Nyota Uhura
Vic Perrin....Tharn
Walter Koenig....Ensign Pavel Chekov
John Winston....Lt. Kyle
Garth Pillsbury....Wilson
Pete Kellett....Kirk's Henchman
Bobby Bass....Chekov's Helper in Mirror Universe (uncredited)
Bill Blackburn....Lt. Hadley (uncredited)
Bobby Clark....Chekov's Guard #2 (uncredited)
Roger Holloway....Lt. Lemli (uncredited)
Johnny Mandell....Sulu's Guard (uncredited)
Eddie Paskey....Lt. Leslie (uncredited)
Russ Peek....Spock's Vulcan Guard (uncredited)
Paul Prokop....Phaser Control Guard (uncredited)