Jahr: |
Regisseur: |
Freigabe: |
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: |
Manual DVD #462
Laufzeit: |
0:00 (0 Min.) |
Verpackungstyp: |
Keep Case |
Bildformat: |
Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild |
DVD-Format: |
Einseitig, Einschichtig |
Veröffentlicht: |
Sammlungstyp: |
Besitz |
Status: |
Verfügbar |
Kaufdatum: |
12. Dezember 2020 |
Kaufpreis: |
Versteckt |
Bewertung Film: |
Bewertung Video: |
Übersicht |
Nominated for four Emmy® Awards in 2019, Schitt's Creek is a smash hit with critics and audiences alike. Created by and starring Eugene Levy and Daniel Levy, this irreverent and original character-driven comedy centres on the 'reversal of fortune' story of the once filthy-rich Rose family. Suddenly finding themselves broke, the Roses are forced to rebuild their empire in Schitt's Creek, a small town they once purchased as a joke. As the seasons go on, we see the family thrive in a place they begin to call home, ready to take their personal relationships, business pursuits and, for some, exit strategies to the next level. |
