Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4: Disc 2
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 2018
Regie: Andrew Kasch, Viet Nguyen, Alexandra La Roche, Mairzee Almas, Christopher Tammaro, David A. Geddes, April Mullen, Kevin Mock
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: F04D-BBEC-9804-FD8D
Laufzeit: 5:39 (339 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: HD Keep Case, Slip Cover
Bildformat: Color, 2.40:1 Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 04. November 2019
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#13894)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 09. Januar 2020
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
After defeating the demon Mallus by cuddling him to death with a giant stuffed animal, DC's Legends of Tomorrow join Ava Sharpe's Time Bureau to help clean up the last few anachronisms. Simple enough... until John Constantine informs them that solving one major problem has created another much larger one. The barrier between worlds softened and history is now infected with Fugitives: magical creatures from myths, fairytales, and legends. Having been expelled throughout time, these Fugitives are now returning in droves and making a real mess of things. Sara Lance and Constantine are joined by compassionate inventor Ray Palmer, hotheaded ex-con Mick Rory, rebellious totem-bearer Zari and historian-turned-superhero Nate Heywood as they set out to save the world – and their legacy – in 16 Super Hero-charged episodes filled with magic, mayhme and madness!
Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4: Disc 2
Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4: Disc 2
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Englisch  DTS HD Master Audio 5.1
Italienisch  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Verse: DC
Verse: DC: Arrowverse
Watchable Profile
Making Of, Entfernte Szenen, Outtakes
 4.09 Lucha de Apuestas
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Jes Macallan....Ava Sharpe
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Sisa Grey....Wolfie
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
Tom Wilson....Hank Heywood
Darien Martin....Konane / El Lobo
Frank Gallegos....El Cura
Susan Hogan....Dorothy Heywood
Christian Keyes....Desmond
Paul Reubens....Dybbuk (Stimme)
Winnie Hung....Lien Wu
Peter Chan....Zhao Wu
Deborah Finkel....Foundation Rep
Victor Ayala....Announcer
David Pérez....Miguel
Andres Collantes....Referee
Andrew Nadanyi....Time Bureau Agent
Wolsey Brooks....Mysterious Agent
Mathias Retamal....El Lobo Fan (uncredited)
 4.10 The Getaway
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer / The Atom
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Sisa Grey....Wolfie
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
Tom Wilson....Henry Heywood
Christian Keyes....Desmond
Paul Ganus....Richard Nixon
Shaughnessy Redden....Agent London
Timothy Paul Coderre....Aide
Jay Clift....Secret Service Agent
John Prowse....Cop
Lesley Mirza....Waitress
Cassidy Foley....RV Girl
Robert L. Duncan....Doctor (uncredited)
 4.11 Séance and Sensibility
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Sisa Grey....Wolfie
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Tom Wilson....Henry Heywood
Christian Keyes....Desmond
Sachin Bhatt....Coachman / Kamadeva / Sanjay
Susan Hogan....Dorothy Heywood
Jenna Rosenow....Jane Austen
Eliza Norbury....Cousin Patty
Victoria Souter....Cassandra Austen
Sinead Curry....Gentlewoman
Sophia Johnson....Bride
Brendan Riggs....Groom
Caitlin McFarlane....Scullery Maid
Anastasia Bandey....Bride's Mother
Terry O'Sullivan....Aunt Tilda
Shae Bourne....Dancer (uncredited)
Danielle Brokopp....Dancer (uncredited)
Milaina Chanel....Dancer (uncredited)
Menina Fortunato....Dancer (uncredited)
Justine Gera....Dancer (uncredited)
Brittany Good....Dancer (uncredited)
Christina Hamdon....Dancer (uncredited)
Hannah Henney....Dancer (uncredited)
Graeme Kitagawa....Dancer (uncredited)
Christian Lagasse....Dancer (uncredited)
Evan Morash....Dancer (uncredited)
Sam Robert Muik....Dancer (uncredited)
Billy Mustapha....Dancer (uncredited)
Kane Nelson....Dancer (uncredited)
Richard O'Sullivan....Dancer (uncredited)
Jared Outten....Dancer (uncredited)
Harj Rai....Dancer (uncredited)
Michel Issa Rubio....Dancer (uncredited)
Emma Stewart....Dancer (uncredited)
Stephanie Sy....Dancer (uncredited)
Tessa Tamura....Dancer (uncredited)
Morgan Tanner....Dancer (uncredited)
Zac Vran....Dancer (uncredited)
Greer Whillans....Dancer (uncredited)
Teya Wild....Dancer (uncredited)
Chris Wong....Dancer (uncredited)
 4.12 The Eggplant, the Witch & the Wardrobe
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer / The Atom
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Jes Macallan....Ava Sharpe
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood / Steel
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
Christian Keyes....Desmond / Neron
Nima Gholamipour....Megastör Employee
Brenda Matthews....Old Sarah Lance
Althea McAdam....Old Ava Sharpe
Corry Whitworth....Dog Owner
Jason Schombing....Mikey T (uncredited)
 4.13 Egg MacGuffin
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Jes Macallan....Ava Sharpe
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
John Murphy....Gordon Gilchrist
Amitai Marmorstein....Vincent
Adrian Petriw....Friedrich 'Rick'
Mike Desabrais....Ze Surgeon
Alexander J. Baxter....Mummy
Jaycie Dotin....Tammy
Dale Willman....Audience #1
Kiomi Pyke....Audience #2
Ryan Moss....Guard
Dolly K. Wyatt....Narrator
 4.14 Nip/Stuck
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Jes Macallan....Ava Sharpe
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Sisa Grey....Wolfie
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine / King Konstentyn
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
Jane Carr....Fairy Godmother
Devyn Dalton....Púca
Kailyn Olsen....Shield Maiden
James Kot....Agent Neil McNeil
Cameron Waters....Agent Dietel
Naomi Levi....Agent Reyes
Madeleine Kelders....Agent Powell
Darcy Hula....Homeless Man
 4.15 Terms of Service
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Jes Macallan....Ava Sharpe
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Sisa Grey....Wolfie
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
Jane Carr....Fairy Godmother
Olivia Swann....Astra Logue
Gracelyn Awad Rinke....Young Zari
Paul Reubens....Dybbuk (Stimme)
Sandy Sidhu....Nasreen
Jason Simpson....Calibraxis
Beau Daniels....Satan
Mel Tuck....Belial
Bill Croft....Beelzebub
Daniel Cudmore....Minotaur
Aryiel Lukashuk....Prostitute Demon
Jocelyn Panton....Marilyn Monroe
Tiffany Mo....Reporter #1
Zachary Graves....Reporter #2
Jessica Smith....Nerdy Agent
James Kot....Agent Neil McNeil
Kevan Kase....Audience Member
Jessica Smith....Nerdy Agent
Reese Alexander....Time Bureau Agent
John DeSantis....Ogre
Melody Niemann....Young Astra
Conor Stinson O'Gorman....Junkie Looking Demon
Damian Mavis....Security Room Time Agent (uncredited)
Joey Phillips....Nergal (uncredited)
 4.16 Hey, World!
Brandon Routh....Ray Palmer
Caity Lotz....Sara Lance
Maisie Richardson-Sellers....Charlie
Tala Ashe....Zari Tomaz
Jes Macallan....Ava Sharpe
Courtney Ford....Nora Darhk
Amy Louise Pemberton....Gideon (Stimme)
Sisa Grey....Wolfie
Ramona Young....Mona Wu
Nick Zano....Nate Heywood
Dominic Purcell....Mick Rory
Matt Ryan....John Constantine
Tom Wilson....Henry Heywood
Adam Tsekhman....Gary Green
Jane Carr....Fairy Godmother
Paul Reubens....Dybbuk (Stimme)
Olivia Swann....Astra Logue
Shayan Sobhian....Behrad
Gracelyn Awad Rinke....Young Zari
Casper Crump....Vandal Savage
Lamonica Garrett....The Monitor
Sandy Sidhu....Nasreen
Jason Simpson....Calibraxis
John DeSantis....Ogre
Devyn Dalton....Púca
Daniel Cudmore....Minotaur
Joel McCooey....Mummy
Natasha Vasiluk....Baba Yaga
Paul Batten....Senator Wellington
Deni DeLory....Mrs. Appleby
Ronin Wong....Ranking Senator
Tiffany Mo....Reporter
Morgan Brayton....Demon Bank Teller
Rhys Slack....Bratty Kid
Jeff Gladstone....New Teller
Darcy Hula....Homeless Man (uncredited)
Anthony Moyer....Chupacabra (uncredited)