Little Britain: Season 3
Herkunftsland:  Großbritannien
Jahr: 2005
Regisseur: Declan Lowney
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: C10D-1BA1-C179-2280
Laufzeit: 2:51 (171 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Digipak, Slip Cover
Bildformat: Color, Anamorph Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#13932)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 24. Februar 2020
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
Little Britain was the injection that the British comedy sketch-show needed. Matt Lucas and David Walliams have created a host of bizarre characters on a surreal but hilarious tour of the British Isles and its curious inhabitants. Narrator Tom Baker adds insightful and eloquent comments throughout the odyssey. All of modern Britain is here, including favourites such as Daffyd, the only gay in the village; Jason, the teenager with an unhealthy attraction to his best friend's granny; Marjorie Dawes, the terrifying fat-fighter group leader and Emily Howard, the rubbish transvestite who likes doing 'ladies things'. This all-encompassing collection contains all three series of LIttle Britain and the 2006 Christmas special – Little Britain Abroad.
Little Britain: Season 3
Little Britain: Season 3
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Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Box
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig: Komplettbox
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Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Trailer, Making Of, Kommentar, Entfernte Szenen, Interviews, Outtakes
 3.01 Episode #3.1
Matt Lucas....Various Roles
David Walliams....Various Roles
Sam Beazley
Di Botcher
Anjali Mya Chadha
Charubala Chokshi
Joann Condon....Fat Pat
Patricia England
Steve Furst
Kerry Gibson
Georgie Glen
Mike Hayward
Akiya Henry
Ruth Jones....Myfanwy
Yuki Kushida
Geoff Leesley
Jennie Lucey
Elliot Perry Mason
Habib Nasib Nader
Paul Putner....Various Roles
Leelo Ross....Tanya
Menna Trussler
Indira Varma
Eleanor Vickers
Rob Brydon....Roman de Vere
Cat Deeley....Herself
Anthony Head....The Prime Minister
Tom Baker....Narrator (Stimme)
Nazneen Hoseini....Vicky Pollard Dancer
Aimee Liddel....Vicky Pollard Dancer
Anita Mohan....Vicky Pollard Dancer
Annelli Smith....Vicky Pollard Dancer
Caroline Quentin....The Customer (uncredited)
Imelda Staunton....Mrs. Mead (uncredited)
 3.02 Episode #3.2
Matt Lucas....Various Roles
David Walliams....Various Roles
David Benson
Charubala Chokshi
Rebecca Cooper....Nina
Naomi Cooper-Davis
Joann Condon....Fat Pat
David Foxxe
Stirling Gallacher
Ruth Jones....Myfanwy
Ranjit Krishnama
Yuki Kushida
Freddie Lees
Paul Putner....Various Roles
Sally Rogers....Various
Leelo Ross....Tanya
Danny Sapani....Derek
Margaret Towner
Menna Trussler
Rob Brydon....Roman de Vere
Judy Finnigan
Nigel Havers
Anthony Head....The Prime Minister
Richard Madeley
Tom Baker....Narrator (Stimme)
Leonard Silver
Imelda Staunton....Mrs. Mead (uncredited)
 3.03 Episode #3.3
Matt Lucas....Various Roles
David Walliams....Various Roles
Charubala Chokshi
Sheila Collings
Joann Condon....Fat Pat
Deddie Davies....Wife
Steve Furst
Stirling Gallacher
James Greene
Sally Hawkins....Judy Pike's Daughter, Olivia
Margaret Hilder
Barbara Keogh....Woman
Ranjit Krishnama
Yuki Kushida
Joan Linder
Damian Lynch....James
Elliot Perry Mason
Gordon Peters....Husband
Paul Putner....Various Roles
Leelo Ross....Tanya
Maryann Turner
Eleanor Vickers
Rob Brydon....Roman de Vere
Anthony Head....The Prime Minister
Derek Martin....Charlie Slater
Tom Baker....Narrator (Stimme)
Leonard Silver
Imelda Staunton....Mrs. Mead (uncredited)
 3.04 Episode #3.4
Matt Lucas....Various Roles
David Walliams....Various Roles
Stephen Aintree....Lloyd Snow
Stephen Aintree....Farmer
Su Bhoopongsa....Ting-Tong's Mother
Jiggy Bhore
Di Botcher....Marion
Anjali Mya Chadha
Paul Charlton....Emily's Lad
Charubala Chokshi....Meera
Joann Condon....Fat Pat
Stirling Gallacher....Sarah
Georgie Glen
Margaret John
Sody Singh Kahlon....Steve
Sody Singh Kahlon....Ali Bongo
Yuki Kushida....Gita
Janette Legge....Jane's Mother
Alice Lowe....Woman on Bench
Habib Nasib Nader....Gregory Merchant
Gregory Pitt
Paul Putner....Various Roles
Leelo Ross....Tanya
Mark Stobbart....Florence's Lad
Matthew Ward
Rob Brydon....Roman de Vere
Anthony Head....The Prime Minister
Tom Baker....Narrator (Stimme)
Kevin Hudson....Diner
Kevin man
Kevin Hudson....congregation
Kevin Lucero Less....Various Roles
Ruth Jones....Myfanwy (uncredited)
Sally Rogers....Woman in the Library (uncredited)
Imelda Staunton....Mrs. Mead (uncredited)
 3.05 Episode #3.5
Matt Lucas....Various Roles
David Walliams....Various Roles
Stephen Aintree....Lloyd Snow
Jiggy Bhore
Anjali Mya Chadha
Charubala Chokshi
Joann Condon....Fat Pat
Stirling Gallacher
Freddie Lees
Alice Lowe....Mother on Bench
Elliot Perry Mason
Diana May....Molly Spencer
Carrigan van de Merwe....Jessica
Habib Nasib Nader
Gregory Pitt
Paul Putner....Various Roles
Leelo Ross....Tanya
Indira Varma....Babysitting Mother
Eleanor Vickers
David Baddiel....Man in David Baddiel Fancy Dress
Anthony Head....The Prime Minister
Ruth Madoc....Mrs. Thomas
Tom Baker....Narrator (Stimme)
Kevin Lucero Less....Various Roles
Harry Goff....Vicky Pollard's Chav Friend (uncredited)
Imelda Staunton....Mrs. Mead (uncredited)
 3.06 Episode #3.6
Matt Lucas....Various Roles
David Walliams....Various Roles
Keith Alexander
Joanna Bacon
Sam Beazley
Su Bhoopongsa....Ting-Tong's Mother
Charubala Chokshi....Meera
Joann Condon....Fat Pat
Rebecca Cooper....Nina
Cheryl Fergison....Joanna Harding
Richard Freeman
Steve Furst....Dr. Beagrie
Stirling Gallacher....Sarah
Ruth Jones....Myfanwy
Sody Singh Kahlon....Steve
Sody Singh Kahlon....Ali Bongo
Yuki Kushida....Gita
Joshua Lawton
Phoenix Lee....Kenneth Lau
Janette Legge....Jane's Mother
Steven Lim....Ting-Tong's Brother
Diana May....Molly Spencer
Paul Putner....Various Roles
Kirris Riviere....Roland Burrell
Leelo Ross....Tanya
Harmage Singh....Newsagent
Gordon Sterne
Indira Varma....Health Spa Receptionist
Dean Whatton....Paul Roberts
Rob Brydon....Roman de Vere
Anthony Head....The Prime Minister
Imelda Staunton....Mrs. Mead
Tom Baker....Narrator (Stimme)
Kevin Lucero Less....Various Roles
Ellie Torrez....Pretty Girl (uncredited)