Schitt$ Creek: Season 3: Disc 2
Herkunftsland:  Kanada
Jahr: 2017
Regie: Paul Fox, TW Peacocke
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 0E58-DA0C-688C-F18B
Laufzeit: 2:11 (131 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Keep Case
Bildformat: Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#14173)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 12. Dezember 2020
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
Nominated for four Emmy® Awards in 2019, Schitt's Creek is a smash hit with critics and audiences alike. Created by and starring Eugene Levy and Daniel Levy, this irreverent and original character-driven comedy centres on the 'reversal of fortune' story of the once filthy-rich Rose family. Suddenly finding themselves broke, the Roses are forced to rebuild their empire in Schitt's Creek, a small town they once purchased as a joke. As the seasons go on, we see the family thrive in a place they begin to call home, ready to take their personal relationships, business pursuits and, for some, exit strategies to the next level.
Schitt$ Creek: Season 3: Disc 2
Schitt$ Creek: Season 3: Disc 2
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Englisch  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig: Komplettbox
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Watchable Profile
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 3.08 Motel Review
Eugene Levy....Johnny Rose
Catherine O'Hara....Moira Rose
Daniel Levy....David Rose
Annie Murphy....Alexis Rose
Jennifer Robertson....Jocelyn Schitt
Emily Hampshire....Stevie Budd
Noah Reid....Patrick Brewer
Rizwan Manji....Ray Butani
Keith Dinicol....Motel Guest
Bonnie Siu....Theresa
Alexander Wong....Photo Subject
Sydney Kuhne....Becky (uncredited)
 3.09 The Affair
Eugene Levy....Johnny Rose
Catherine O'Hara....Moira Rose
Daniel Levy....David Rose
Annie Murphy....Alexis Rose
Jennifer Robertson....Jocelyn Schitt
Noah Reid....Patrick Brewer
Chris Elliott....Roland Schitt
JC Kenny....Reporter
Elizabeth Saunders....Conference Attendee
Martin Doyle....Conference Attendee
 3.10 Sebastien Raine
Eugene Levy....Johnny Rose
Catherine O'Hara....Moira Rose
Daniel Levy....David Rose
Annie Murphy....Alexis Rose
Emily Hampshire....Stevie Budd
Dustin Milligan....Ted Mullens
François Arnaud....Sebastien Raine
John Hemphill....Bob Currie
Karen Robinson....Ronnie Lee
Rizwan Manji....Ray Butani
Chris Elliott....Roland Schitt
Marilyn Bellfontaine....Gwen Currie
Linda Goranson....Linda
Shel Goldstein....Dot
Nora Sheehan....Carol
Joan Gregson....Joan
 3.11 Stop Saying Lice!
Eugene Levy....Johnny Rose
Catherine O'Hara....Moira Rose
Daniel Levy....David Rose
Annie Murphy....Alexis Rose
Jennifer Robertson....Jocelyn Schitt
Emily Hampshire....Stevie Budd
Dustin Milligan....Ted Mullens
Noah Reid....Patrick Brewer
John Hemphill....Bob Currie
Karen Robinson....Ronnie Lee
Rachel Wilson....Motel Guest
Romaine Waite....Motel Guest
Chris Elliott....Roland Schitt
 3.12 Friends & Family
Eugene Levy....Johnny Rose
Catherine O'Hara....Moira Rose
Daniel Levy....David Rose
Annie Murphy....Alexis Rose
Jennifer Robertson....Jocelyn Schitt
Emily Hampshire....Stevie Budd
Dustin Milligan....Ted Mullens
Noah Reid....Patrick Brewer
John Hemphill....Bob Currie
Sarah Levy....Twyla Sands
Chris Elliott....Roland Schitt
Carlos Albornoz....'Back of the Line' Guy
Maria Vacratsis....Darlene's Cousin
 3.13 Grad Night
Eugene Levy....Johnny Rose
Catherine O'Hara....Moira Rose
Daniel Levy....David Rose
Annie Murphy....Alexis Rose
Jennifer Robertson....Jocelyn Schitt
Emily Hampshire....Stevie Budd
Dustin Milligan....Ted Mullens
Noah Reid....Patrick Brewer
Karen Robinson....Ronnie Lee
Sarah Levy....Twyla Sands
Chris Elliott....Roland Schitt
Marilyn Bellfontaine....Gwen Currie
Lili Connor....Grace
Shakura S'Aida....Lena
Mary Kelly....Jazzagal #1
Ma-Anne Dionisio....Jazzagal #2
Jennifer Foster....Jazzagal #3
Josh Holliday....Store Customer
Michael Murphy....Graduating Student