Zurück in die Vergangenheit: Season 4: Disc 3
Originaltitel: Quantum Leap: Season 4: Disc 3
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 1991
Regie: Virgil W. Vogel, Michael Watkins, Eric Laneuville, Bob Hulme
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: F7AC-D14E-F039-938E
Laufzeit: 2:58 (178 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Unbekannt
Bildformat: Color, 1.33:1, Vollbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 26. Juni 2006
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#10618)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 05. Mai 2007
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
9. A SINGLE DROP OF RAIN September 7, 1953
A horrible drought will be the destruction of a small town unless Sam, as rainmaker Billy Beaumont, can call down some salvation from the clouds above. But his unorthodox methods are really put to the test when Billy's brother's marriage is on the rocks.

10. UNCHAINED November 2, 1956
As 40-year-old prisoner Chance Cole, Sam finds himself working on a chain gang with a fellow inmate, Boone, who has been wrongly convicted of armed robbery. Determined to save Boone from fifteen years hard labour, Sam sets off a dangerous chain of events that could have long-term repurcussions for Cole.

11. THE PLAY'S THE THING September 9, 1969
Sam is enjoying his new roles as a doted-on boy-toy of a gorgeous older singer. But when her son wants his outrageous mother to return to a role of quiet domesticity, it's up to Sam to boost her confidence and keep her in the limelight.

12. RUNNING FOR HONOUR June 11. 1964
Sam leaps into the body of a brilliant Navy college track star. When he discovers that a group of homophobic students are planning to murder and "outed" cadet, he's in a race against time to protect the student from a terrible crime.
Zurück in die Vergangenheit: Season 4: Disc 3
Zurück in die Vergangenheit: Season 4: Disc 3
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Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Watchable Profile
 4.09 A Single Drop of Rain - September 7
Scott Bakula....Dr. Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell....Admiral Al Calavicci
R. G. Armstrong....Davison
Ted Baader....Billy Beaumont
Anne Haney....Grace Beaumont
Lesly Kahn....Velma Waters
Hal Landon Jr.....Norm
Britt Leach....Vernon Coutis
Phyllis Lyons....Annie Beaumont
Patrick Massett....Ralph Beaumont
Carl Anthony Payne II....Clinton Leveret
 4.10 Unchained - November 2, 1956
Scott Bakula....Dr. Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell....Admiral Al Calavicci
Robert V. Barron....Old Convict
Claude Earl Jones....Captain Elias
Mark Kemble....Chance Cole
Jed Mills....Monroe
J. C. Quinn....Boss Cooley
Don Sparks....Jake Wiles
Basil Wallace....Jazz Boone
 4.11 The Play's the Thing - September 9,
Scott Bakula....Dr. Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell....Admiral Al Calavicci
Deem Bristow....King
Paul Collins....Rob Jackson
Penny Fuller....Jane Lindhurst
Anna Gunn....Liz
Eva Loseth....Petra
Craig Richard Nelson....The Director
Robert Pine....Ted
Daniel Roebuck....Neil
Will Schaub....Joe Thurlow
 4.12 Running for Honor - June 11, 1964
Scott Bakula....Dr. Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell....Admiral Al Calavicci
John Finn....Admiral Spencer
Lisa Lawrence....Karen Spencer
Sean O'Bryan....Phillip Ashcroft
Anthony Palermo....Ronnie Chambers
John Roselius....Coach Martz
Beau Windham....Tommy H. York
Roz Witt....Waitress