Heroes: Season 1: Disc 4
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 2006
Regie: John Badham, Paul Shapiro, Terrence O'Hara, Jeannot Szwarc
Freigabe: NR(Television)
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: DC59-746E-84B9-89B2
Laufzeit: 2:53 (173 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Digipak
Bildformat: Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 28. August 2007
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#10714)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 11. September 2007
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
"Fallout" Isaac's paintings reveal more about the predicted New York City nuclear bombing, Mohinder takes the first steps in his new path, and Niki makes a tough decision to protect her son.

"Godsend" As Claire faces the consequences of her deal with the Haitian, and as Hiro and Ando set out to find a samurai sword, one new hero makes a shocking debut.

"The Fix" New faces appear to teach the heroes as Hiro talks business with his father, Claire searches for her biological parents, and Peter tries to learn from an invisible man.

"Distractions" Family bonds are put to the test as Hiro struggles to make his father understand his new path, Niki makes a choice regarding her future with D.L. and Micah, and Sylar visits the Bennet home.
Heroes: Season 1: Disc 4
Heroes: Season 1: Disc 4
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital Surround
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Watchable Profile
Kommentar, Entfernte Szenen
 1.11 Chapter Eleven 'Fallout'
Santiago Cabrera....Isaac Mendez
Jack Coleman....Noah Bennet
Tawny Cypress....Simone Deveaux
Noah Gray-Cabey....Micah Sanders
Greg Grunberg....Matt Parkman
Ali Larter....Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders
Masi Oka....Hiro Nakamura
Hayden Panettiere....Claire Bennet
Adrian Pasdar....Nathan Petrelli
Sendhil Ramamurthy....Mohinder Suresh
Leonard Roberts....D.L. Hawkins
Milo Ventimiglia....Peter Petrelli
Clea DuVall....FBI Agent Audrey Hanson
Nora Zehetner....Eden McCain
James Kyson....Ando Masahashi
Zachary Quinto....Sylar
Thomas Dekker....Zach
Jimmy Jean-Louis....The Haitian
Conroe Brooks....Police Officer
Randall Bentley....Lyle Bennet
 1.12 Chapter Twelve 'Godsend'
Santiago Cabrera....Isaac Mendez
Jack Coleman....Noah Bennet
Tawny Cypress....Simone Deveaux
Noah Gray-Cabey....Micah Sanders
Greg Grunberg....Matt Parkman
Ali Larter....Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders
Masi Oka....Hiro Nakamura
Hayden Panettiere....Claire Bennet
Adrian Pasdar....Nathan Petrelli
Sendhil Ramamurthy....Mohinder Suresh
Leonard Roberts....D.L. Hawkins
Milo Ventimiglia....Peter Petrelli
Clea DuVall....FBI Agent Audrey Hanson
James Kyson....Ando Masahashi
Zachary Quinto....Sylar
Cristine Rose....Angela Petrelli
Thomas Dekker....Zach
Lisa Lackey....Janice Parkman
Matthew John Armstrong....Ted Sprague
Jimmy Jean-Louis....The Haitian
Kevin Chamberlin....Aron Malsky
Bobby Hosea....Detective
John Ross Bowie....Attorney
Colby French....Hank
Stacy Haiduk....FBI Agent Elisa Thayer
Christopher Eccleston....Claude
Link Baker....Broken Nose Guard
Angela Chee....News Reporter
Ben Murray....Rufus
D. Elliot Woods....SWAT Officer
Ben Cain....Museum Guard
Stephen W. Schriver....Guard
 1.13 Chapter Thirteen 'The Fix'
Jack Coleman....Noah Bennet
Noah Gray-Cabey....Micah Sanders
Greg Grunberg....Matt Parkman
Ali Larter....Niki Sanders
Masi Oka....Hiro Nakamura
Hayden Panettiere....Claire Bennet
Adrian Pasdar....Nathan Petrelli
Sendhil Ramamurthy....Mohinder Suresh
Leonard Roberts....D.L. Hawkins
Milo Ventimiglia....Peter Petrelli
Jessalyn Gilsig....Meredith Gordon
James Kyson....Ando Masahashi
Zachary Quinto....Sylar
Ashley Crow....Sandra Bennet
Thomas Dekker....Zach
Lisa Lackey....Janice Parkman
Paula Newsome....Dr. Witherson
Jimmy Jean-Louis....The Haitian
Brad Greenquist....Nakamura's Henchman
Colby French....Hank
Alex Fernandez....Police Captain Baldwin
Jesse Corti....LAPD Police Captain Knox
George Takei....Kaito Nakamura
Christopher Eccleston....Claude
Dominic Paolo Testa....Attendant
 1.14 Chapter Fourteen 'Distractions'
Santiago Cabrera....Isaac Mendez
Jack Coleman....Noah Bennet
Tawny Cypress....Simone Deveaux
Noah Gray-Cabey....Micah Sanders
Ali Larter....Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders
Masi Oka....Hiro Nakamura
Hayden Panettiere....Claire Bennet
Adrian Pasdar....Nathan Petrelli
Milo Ventimiglia....Peter Petrelli
Jessalyn Gilsig....Meredith Gordon
James Kyson....Ando Masahashi
Zachary Quinto....Sylar
Ashley Crow....Sandra Bennet
Thomas Dekker....Zach
Paula Newsome....Dr. Witherson
Jimmy Jean-Louis....The Haitian
Kevin Chamberlin....Aron Malsky
Saemi Nakamura....Kimiko Nakamura
Colby French....Hank
George Takei....Kaito Nakamura
Christopher Eccleston....Claude
Link Baker....Broken Nose Guard
Monica Louwerens....Lady with Purse