Herkunftsland: |
Jahr: |
2007 |
Regie: |
Daniel Attias, Greg Beeman, Greg Yaitanes |
Freigabe: |
NR(Television) |
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: |
Disc ID: BBCF-A9D4-A682-10D1
Laufzeit: |
2:09 (129 Min.) |
Verpackungstyp: |
Unbekannt |
Bildformat: |
Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild |
DVD-Format: |
Einseitig, Einschichtig |
Veröffentlicht: |
26. August 2008 |
Sammlungstyp: |
Besitz (#11099) |
Status: |
Verfügbar |
Kaufdatum: |
11. September 2008 |
Kaufpreis: |
Versteckt |
Bewertung Film: |
Bewertung Video: |
Übersicht |
Out of Time
Several heroes face off against the "nightmare man" in a deadly attack, while Peter and Caitlin battle his personal demons when one of his forgotten abilities suddenly manifests.
Four Months Ago...
The clock turns back four months to reveal what happened to the heroes directly after the explosion in New York: from Nathan's terrible loss to the Haitian's sacrifice.
Cautionary Tales
Agendas clash as Claire and her father ponder whether to run, Matt struggles with his new abilities, and Maya and Alejandro's relationship is tested as they travel with Sylar. |

Audioformate |
Englisch |  | Dolby Digital 5.1 | Audio-Kommentar |  | Dolby Digital Surround |
Untertitel |
Spanisch |
Tags |
Category: Serie Category: Serie: Season-Disc Category: Serie: Serie vollständig Watchable Profile |
Extras |
Making Of, Kommentar, Entfernte Szenen
Mitarbeiter |
Besetzung |