Doctor Who: Season 5: Disc 5
Herkunftsland:  Großbritannien
Jahr: 2010
Regie: Catherine Morshead, Toby Haynes
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 7833-3E2A-9750-059B
Laufzeit: 2:24 (144 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: HD Keep Case, Slip Cover
Bildformat: Color, 1.78:1 Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 08. November 2010
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#14141)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 31. Oktober 2020
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10

01. The Eleventh Hour
02. The Beast Below
03. Victory of the Daleks
04. The Time of Angels
05. Flesh and Stone
06. The Vampires of Venice
07. Amy's Choice
08. The Hungry Earth
09. Cold Blood
10. Vincent and the Doctor
11. The Lodger
12. The Pandorica Opens
13. The Big Bang
Doctor Who: Season 5: Disc 5
Doctor Who: Season 5: Disc 5
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Englisch  DTS HD HR 5.1
Audio Descriptive  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Verse: Whoniverse
Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Trailer, Making Of, Kommentar, Outtakes, Lenticular Front Cover, Audio Navigation
 5.11 The Lodger
Matt Smith....The Doctor
Karen Gillan....Amy Pond
James Corden....Craig
Daisy Haggard....Sophie
Owen Donovan....Steven
Babatunde Aleshe....Sean
Jem Wall....Michael
Karen Seacombe....Sandra
Kamara Bacchus....Clubber
Tom Baker....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
Jon Davey....Call centre worker / Doctor's Team Goalkeeper (uncredited)
Christopher Eccleston....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
William Hartnell....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
Andy Jones....Avatar Young Man (uncredited)
Paul McGann....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
Jon Pertwee....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
Ben Peyton....Avatar (uncredited, Stimme)
Billie Piper....Rose Tyler(archive footage) (uncredited)
David Tennant....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
Patrick Troughton....The Doctor(archive footage) (uncredited)
 5.12 The Pandorica Opens
Matt Smith....The Doctor
Karen Gillan....Amy Pond
Alex Kingston....River Song
Arthur Darvill....Rory
Tony Curran....Vincent
Bill Paterson....Bracewell
Ian McNeice....Winston Churchill
Sophie Okonedo....Liz Ten
Marcus O'Donovan....Claudio
Clive Wood....Commander
Christopher Ryan....Commander Stark
Ruari Mears....Cyber Leader
Paul Kasey....Judoon
Howard Lee....Doctor Gachet
Barnaby Edwards....Dalek
Simon Fisher Becker....Dorium
Joe Jacobs....Guard
Chrissie Cotterill....Madame Vernet
David Fynn....Marcellus
Nicholas Briggs....Daleks (uncredited, Stimme)
Nicholas Briggs....Cybermen (uncredited, Stimme)
Jason Collins....Red Man (uncredited)
Nathalie Cuzner....Silurian (uncredited)
Jon Davey....Dalek (uncredited)
Jon Davey....Spacesuit Man (uncredited)
Matthew Doman....Roman Soldier (uncredited)
Barbara Fadden....Silurian Warrior (uncredited)
Ian Hilditch....Dalek (uncredited)
Kevin Hudson....Cyberman (uncredited)
Andy Jones....Guard / Hoix (uncredited)
Claudio Laurini....Sycorax (uncredited)
Colum Regan....Roman (uncredited)
Rupert Young....Roman (uncredited)
 5.13 The Big Bang
Matt Smith....The Doctor
Karen Gillan....Amy Pond
Alex Kingston....River Song
Arthur Darvill....Rory
Caitlin Blackwood....Amelia
Susan Vidler....Aunt Sharon
Frances Ashman....Christine
Barnaby Edwards....Stone Dalek
William Pretsell....Dave
Halcro Johnston....Mr Pond
Karen Westwood....Tabetha
Nicholas Briggs....Dalek (Stimme)
Jon Davey....Museum visitor (uncredited)
Kevin Hudson....Cyberman (uncredited)
Bill Nighy....Dr. Black(archive footage) (uncredited)