Herkunftsland: |
Jahr: |
2006 |
Regie: |
Greg Beeman, Ernest Dickerson, Paul Shapiro |
Freigabe: |
NR(Television) |
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: |
Disc ID: 65F9-27A6-7FDF-FBF8
Laufzeit: |
2:54 (174 Min.) |
Verpackungstyp: |
Digipak |
Bildformat: |
Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild |
DVD-Format: |
Einseitig, Einschichtig |
Veröffentlicht: |
28. August 2007 |
Sammlungstyp: |
Besitz (#10712) |
Status: |
Verfügbar |
Kaufdatum: |
11. September 2007 |
Kaufpreis: |
Versteckt |
Bewertung Film: |
Bewertung Video: |
Übersicht |
"One Giant Leap" Claire comes under attack by a high school quarterback, Hiro looks for support from Ando, and Niki makes a gruesome discovery.
"Collision" The heroes have the possibility to connect with one another as Mohinder puts together the final clues to their whereabouts, but will it be too late for the cheerleader?
"Hiros" The consequences of the heroes' abilities become more evident as Matt reads his wife's thoughts, Hiro is attacked by Las Vegas casino personnel, and Niki loses track of time.
"Better Halves" Niki comes face-to-face with her husband, D.L., and Peter relays a life-saving message to Hiro. |
