Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 5: Disc 3
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 2018
Regie: Jaffar Mahmood, Giovani Lampassi, Beth McCarthy Miller, Maggie Carey, Matthew Nodella, Dan Goor
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 2BF0-8D90-9227-66E0
Laufzeit: 2:04 (124 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Keep Case
Bildformat: Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 26. August 2019
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#14118)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 31. Oktober 2020
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
From Emmy Award®-winning writers Dan Goor and Mike Schur, also producers of The Office and Parks and Recreation, comes the hilarious Golden Globe® Award-winning comedy, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Jake Peralta (Emmy® and Golden Globe® Award winner Andy Samberg, Saturday Night Live) is a Brooklyn detective with a gift for closing cases and little respect for authority. When no-nonsense commanding officer Raymond Holt (Emmy Award® winner Andre Braugher, Homicide: Life on the Street) joins the 99th precinct with something to prove, the two go head to head. Showcasing a top-flight supporting cast and fantastic guest stars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Seasons 1 – 6 on DVD comes fully loaded with all episodes and bonus features!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 5: Disc 3
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 5: Disc 3
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Watchable Profile
Entfernte Szenen
 5.17 DFW
Andy Samberg....Jake Peralta
Stephanie Beatriz....Rosa Diaz
Terry Crews....Terry Jeffords
Melissa Fumero....Amy Santiago
Joe Lo Truglio....Charles Boyle
Chelsea Peretti....Gina Linetti
Andre Braugher....Raymond Holt
Dirk Blocker....Hitchcock
Joel McKinnon Miller....Scully
Nasim Pedrad....Kate
Michael Cassady....William
Kirk Fox....Kurt
Ricardo J. Chacon....Airport Cop
Stevens Gaston....Waiter
Keeshan Giles....Officer Dirk Murkurerk
Keylor Leigh....Aubrey
Heather McPhaul....Lenore Michaelson
Katie Michels....Trishelle
Devin Sidell....Gwen
Ahmed T. Brooks....Perp #1
Adam Bucci....Perp #2
Roshan Golconda....Perp #5
John Shartzer....Perp #4
Marcus Terrell Smith....Perp #3
 5.18 Gray Star Mutual
Andy Samberg....Jake Peralta
Stephanie Beatriz....Rosa Diaz
Terry Crews....Terry Jeffords
Melissa Fumero....Amy Santiago
Joe Lo Truglio....Charles Boyle
Chelsea Peretti....Gina Linetti
Andre Braugher....Raymond Holt
Dirk Blocker....Hitchcock
Joel McKinnon Miller....Scully
Jason Mantzoukas....Adrian Pimento
Mark Daneri....Travis
Tahir Moore....Troy Lunniker
Mario Perez....Ted
 5.19 Bachelor/ette Party
Andy Samberg....Jake Peralta
Stephanie Beatriz....Rosa Diaz
Terry Crews....Terry Jeffords
Melissa Fumero....Amy Santiago
Joe Lo Truglio....Charles Boyle
Chelsea Peretti....Gina Linetti
Andre Braugher....Raymond Holt
Dirk Blocker....Hitchcock
Joel McKinnon Miller....Scully
Reginald VelJohnson....Reginald VelJohnson
Sarah Baker....Kylie
Blake Anderson....Constantine Kane
Christopher Gehrman....Sam Boyle
Anastasia Dextrene....Bar Patron (uncredited)
Ayesha Magpali-Isaac....Bar Patron (uncredited)
Bruce M. Stockert....Man at Diner (uncredited)
 5.20 Show Me Going
Andy Samberg....Jake Peralta
Stephanie Beatriz....Rosa Diaz
Terry Crews....Terry Jeffords
Melissa Fumero....Amy Santiago
Joe Lo Truglio....Charles Boyle
Chelsea Peretti....Gina Linetti
Andre Braugher....Raymond Holt
Dirk Blocker....Hitchcock
Joel McKinnon Miller....Scully
Natasha Rothwell....Della Alvarado
Akiva Schaffer....Brett Booth
Andrew Burlinson....Andrew
Dwayne Colbert....Officer Colin Wilg
Steven Lee Allen....Boban
Ryan Paevey....Victor Lake
 5.21 White Whale
Andy Samberg....Jake Peralta
Stephanie Beatriz....Rosa Diaz
Terry Crews....Terry Jeffords
Melissa Fumero....Amy Santiago
Joe Lo Truglio....Charles Boyle
Chelsea Peretti....Gina Linetti
Andre Braugher....Raymond Holt
Dirk Blocker....Hitchcock
Joel McKinnon Miller....Scully
Allison Tolman....Capt. Olivia Crawford
Carol Herman....Eunice
James Babson....Ezra
Jo Farkas....Louise Mindar
Doreen Fox Loughlin....Ida
Claudio Pinto....Sergio Mindar
Paul Gregory....Thug (uncredited)
Vincent Maldonado....New Yorker (uncredited)
 5.22 Jake & Amy
Andy Samberg....Jake Peralta
Stephanie Beatriz....Rosa Diaz
Terry Crews....Terry Jeffords
Melissa Fumero....Amy Santiago
Joe Lo Truglio....Charles Boyle
Chelsea Peretti....Gina Linetti
Andre Braugher....Raymond Holt
Dirk Blocker....Hitchcock
Joel McKinnon Miller....Scully
Gina Rodriguez....Alicia
Kyle Bornheimer....Teddy Wells
Fred Armisen....Melipnos
Kyle Gass....Dario Moretti
Danielle Kennedy....Marvis
Byron Nysen....Venue Employee
Carol Schlanger....Aunt Linda
Vladimir Perez....Gus
Peter Janov....Uniformed Cop (uncredited)
Chris Sundlee....Uniformed Cop (uncredited)