House of Cards: Season 4: Disc 4
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 2016
Regie: Kari Skogland, Jakob Verbruggen
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: Disc ID: 298F-A9A8-4933-1C40
Laufzeit: 2:33 (153 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Digipak, Slip Cover
Bildformat: Color, 2.00:1 Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 08. September 2016
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#13334)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 28. November 2016
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
Sie waren immer ein tolles Team. Doch nun, da es in ihrer Ehe kriselt und ihre Ambitionen gefährdet sind, werden Frank (Golden Globe® -Gewinner Kevin Spacey) und Claire (Golden Globe® -Gewinner Robin Wright) die größten Gegner.
House of Cards: Season 4: Disc 4
House of Cards: Season 4: Disc 4
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Englisch  DTS HD Master Audio 5.1
Französisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Deutsch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Deutscher Ton
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Watchable Profile
Digital Copy
 4.11 Chapter 50
Kevin Spacey....Francis Underwood
Robin Wright....Claire Underwood
Michael Kelly....Doug Stamper
Mahershala Ali....Remy Danton
Neve Campbell....Leann Harvey
Boris McGiver....Tom Hammerschmidt
Paul Sparks....Thomas Yates
Joel Kinnaman....Will Conway
Jayne Atkinson....Catherine Durant
Reg E. Cathey....Freddy
Colm Feore....General Brockhart
Damian Young....Aidan Macallan
Andrew Polk....Harry Marshall
Kathleen Chalfant....Margaret Tilden
Wendy Moniz-Grillo....Laura Moretti
John Rue....CIA Director
Julian Gamble....Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
James Saito....Dr. Krebs
Pippa Pearthree....Helen
Amy Hohn....Debbie Simms
Rob Treveiler....Karl Simms
Joy Kigin....Stamper's Secretary
Nini Huynh....Claire's Assistant
Felix Stevenson....WH Steward
Lionel....Radio Host
Shannon Mulaire....News Anchor
John Trout....News Anchor
Tricia Sawyer....Cosmetologist
Draaco Aventura....WH Press Corps
Loretta Burnette....Reporter
Stephanie Cookie Carson....Reporter
Finn Douglas....Charlie Conway
Lindsay Dyan Epp....White House Press
Andre Faulcon....Conway Security
Michael Harding....Governor Parsons
Misti Morningstar....Rally Photographer
John Wells....Farmer
Todd Bobenrieth....Delegate (uncredited)
Toshi Calderón....Jazz Club Hipster (uncredited)
Justin Doescher....Frank Underwood Security (uncredited)
Lamont Easter....Underwood Secret Service (uncredited)
Mark Falvo....News Photgrapher (uncredited)
Mark Huber....Jazz Club Hipster (uncredited)
Antoinette Montgomery....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Grant Morningstar....Supporter (uncredited)
Jessica J. Stowes....Supporter (uncredited)
Kimia' Workman....Traveler (uncredited)
 4.12 Chapter 51
Kevin Spacey....Francis Underwood
Robin Wright....Claire Underwood
Michael Kelly....Doug Stamper
Mahershala Ali....Remy Danton
Molly Parker....Jackie Sharp
Derek Cecil....Seth Grayson
Neve Campbell....Leann Harvey
Boris McGiver....Tom Hammerschmidt
Paul Sparks....Thomas Yates
Joel Kinnaman....Will Conway
Dominique McElligott....Hannah Conway
Colm Feore....General Brockhart
Damian Young....Aidan Macallan
Andrew Polk....Harry Marshall
Jeremy Holm....Nathan Green
Kathleen Chalfant....Margaret Tilden
Wendy Moniz-Grillo....Laura Moretti
Jefferson White....Joshua Masterson
Mercedes Herrero....Director of National Intelligence
John Rue....CIA Director
Julian Gamble....Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
CJ Wilson....Agent Lasker
Alfredo Narciso....Agent Holbrooke
Andre Ware....NSA Director
David Bishins....Secretary of Homeland Security
Kim Ramirez....Agent March
Sean Graham....James Miller
Jennifer Leigh Mann....Caroline Miller
Alie Urquhart....Melissa Miller
Dana Healey....George Walleck
Finn Douglas....Charlie Conway
Ben VanderMey....Zachary Hawthorne
Amr El-Bayoumi....Ibrahim Halabi
Gwen Ifill....Gwen Ifill
Anntoinette Johnson....Gwen Ifill's Producer
Greg Lang....Military Aide
Craig Newkirk....NSA Agent #1
Lane Carlock....Herald Reporter
Anthony Reynolds....Herald Lawyer
Draaco Aventura....WH Press Corps
Gregory Divers....White House Press Corps
Lindsay Dyan Epp....White House Press
Andre Faulcon....Conway Security
Michel Gill....President Garrett Walker
Gretchen Koerner....NSA Agent 2
Justin Doescher....Frank Underwood Security (uncredited)
Lamont Easter....Underwood Secret Service (uncredited)
Barbara Edwards....Washington Herald Press (uncredited)
Mark Falvo....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Nick Madrick....SS Agent #1 (uncredited)
Jay McCord....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Antoinette Montgomery....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Hiten D. Patel....White House Staffer (uncredited)
Babs Proller....Clerk of Courts (uncredited)
Gonzalo Vargas....Herald Reporter (uncredited)
 4.13 Chapter 52
Jayne Atkinson....Catherine Durant
Kevin Spacey....Francis Underwood
Robin Wright....Claire Underwood
Michael Kelly....Doug Stamper
Mahershala Ali....Remy Danton
Molly Parker....Jackie Sharp
Derek Cecil....Seth Grayson
Neve Campbell....Leann Harvey
Boris McGiver....Tom Hammerschmidt
Paul Sparks....Thomas Yates
Joel Kinnaman....Will Conway
Dominique McElligott....Hannah Conway
Damian Young....Aidan Macallan
Andrew Polk....Harry Marshall
Jeremy Holm....Nathan Green
Wendy Moniz-Grillo....Laura Moretti
Jefferson White....Joshua Masterson
Farshad Farahat....Yusuf Al Ahmadi
Mercedes Herrero....Director of National Intelligence
John Rue....CIA Director
Julian Gamble....Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
CJ Wilson....Agent Lasker
Alfredo Narciso....Agent Holbrooke
Andre Ware....NSA Director
David Bishins....Secretary of Homeland Security
Kim Ramirez....Agent March
Sean Graham....James Miller
Jennifer Leigh Mann....Caroline Miller
Alie Urquhart....Melissa Miller
Finn Douglas....Charlie Conway
Ben VanderMey....Zachary Hawthorne
Dave Quay....Sam Price
Joy Kigin....Stamper's Secretary
Tim Pabon....Mark
Julie Mun....Sara
Kimberly Fairbanks....Mary
Craig Newkirk....NSA Agent #1
Sarah Skeist....Reporter #1
Sara Antonio....Reporter #2
Chris Dyer....Reporter #3
Nini Huynh....Claire's Assistant
Rebecca Lines....Nurse
Craig Galloway....Secret Service Agent
Jeff Sandor....SEAL #1
Dave MacDonald....SEAL #2
David Meadows....SEAL #3
Draaco Aventura....WH Press Corps
Gregory Divers....White House Press Corps
Lindsay Dyan Epp....White House Press
Andre Faulcon....Conway Security
Valerie Grace....White House Press Photographer
Gretchen Koerner....NSA Agent 2
Andrea Leigh....WH Secretary
Marla Aaron Wapner....WH Press Corp
Gary Ayash....White House Press Corp Reporter-Press Room (uncredited)
Matthew Bowen....Analyst (uncredited)
Julian Brittano....Military Police (uncredited)
Justin Doescher....Frank Underwood Security (uncredited)
Lamont Easter....Underwood Secret Service (uncredited)
Mark Falvo....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Ken Holliday....FBI Agent (uncredited)
Mark Huber....Press (uncredited)
Ben McCain....Radio News Reporter (uncredited)
Jay McCord....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Antoinette Montgomery....White House Press Corps (uncredited)
Hiten D. Patel....White House Staffer (uncredited)