Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs: Extended Edition
Extended Edition
Originaltitel: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Herkunftsland:  Neuseeland
Jahr: 2003
Regisseur: Peter Jackson
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: 5-017239-151965
Laufzeit: 4:23 (263 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: HD Keep Case
Bildformat: Color, 2.40:1 Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 27. Juni 2011
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#642)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 18. August 2011
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
The Fellowship's journey is coming to an end. Sauron's forces have attacked Gondor's capital of Minas Tirith in his final siege against mankind. Watched over by a fading steward, the once great kingdom has never been in more desperate need of its king. But will Aragorn find the strength to become what he was born to be and rise to meet his destiny? As Gandalf desperately tries to move the broken forces of Gondor to act, Théoden unites the warriors of Rohan to join in the fight. Even in their courage and passionate loyalty, the forces of men – with Éowyn and Merry hidden among them – are no match against the swarming legions of enemies raining down on the kingdom. With each victory comes great sacrifice. Despite their great losses, The Fellowship charges forward in the greatest battle of their lifetime, united in their singular goal to give Frodo a chance to complete his quest. Traveling across treacherous enemy lands, Frodo must rely increasingly on Sam and Gollum as The Ring continues to test his allegiance and, ultimately, his soul.

Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs: Extended Edition

Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs: Extended Edition

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Englisch  DTS HD Master Audio 6.1 (Discrete)
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital Surround
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital Surround
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital Surround
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital Surround
Category: Film
Verse: Lord of the Rings
Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Making Of, Kommentar, Galerie, Booklet, Interactive Maps
Noel Appleby....Everard Proudfoot
Alexandra Astin....Elanor Gamgee
Sean Astin....Sam
David Aston....Gondorian Soldier 3
John Bach....Madril
Sean Bean....Boromir
Cate Blanchett....Galadriel
Orlando Bloom....Legolas
Billy Boyd....Pippin
Sadwyn Brophy....Eldarion
Alistair Browning....Damrod
Marton Csokas....Celeborn
Richard Edge....Gondorian Soldier 1
Jason Fitch....Uruk 2
Bernard Hill....Theoden
Ian Holm....Bilbo
Bruce Hopkins....Gamling
Ian Hughes....Irolas
Lawrence Makoare....Witchking
Lawrence Makoare....Gothmog
Ian McKellen....Gandalf
Bret McKenzie....Elf Escort
Sarah McLeod....Rosie Cotton
Maisy McLeod-Riera....Baby Gamgee
Dominic Monaghan....Merry
Viggo Mortensen....Aragorn
John Noble....Denethor
Paul Norell....King of the Dead
Miranda Otto....Eowyn
Bruce Phillips....Grimbold
Shane Rangi....Harad Leader 2
John Rhys-Davies....Gimli
Todd Rippon....Harad Leader 1
Thomas Robins....Deagol
Andy Serkis....Gollum / Smeagol
Harry Sinclair....Isildur
Peter Tait....Shagrat
Joel Tolbeck....Orc Lieutenant 1
Liv Tyler....Arwen
Karl Urban....Eomer
Stephen Ure....Gorbag
Hugo Weaving....Elrond
David Wenham....Faramir
Elijah Wood....Frodo
Alan Howard....The Ring (Stimme)
Sala Baker....Orc
Sala Baker....Sauron
Robert Pollock....Orc
Ross Duncan....Orc
Pete Smith....Orc
Jed Brophy....Orc
Lee Hartley....Orc
Billy Jackson....Child
Katie Jackson....Child
Brad Dourif....Grima Wormtongue (extended edition)
Christopher Lee....Saruman (extended edition)
Bruce Spence....The Mouth of Sauron (extended edition)
Jørn Benzon....Traveling elf (uncredited)
Jørn Benzon....various (uncredited)
Peter Jackson....Mercenary On Boat (uncredited)
Royd Tolkien....Ranger (uncredited)