The IT Crowd: Season 2
Herkunftsland:  Großbritannien
Jahr: 2007
Regisseur: Graham Linehan
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: 5-014138-602185
Laufzeit: 2:21 (141 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Keep Case
Bildformat: Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#11121)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 27. Oktober 2008
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
The IT Crowd strikes back in the second series of the Bafta - nominated comedy from Graham Linehan (Father Ted, Black Books). Hook up with geeks Roy (Chris O'Dowd) and Moss (Richard Ayoade) plus relationship manager Jen (Katherine Parkinson) as they embark on a whole new level of adventures, including a trip to the gayest musical ever, an appearance on Dragon's Den, and a run-in with a German cannibal.
With Stellar cast that includes Chris Morris, Noel Fielding and Matt Berry, The IT Crowd version 2.0 is easy to install, bug-free and, above all, relentlessly funny.

Episode List:
1. The Work Outing
2. Return of the Golden Child
3. Moss and the German
4. The Dinner Party
5. Smoke and Mirrors
6. Men Without Women
The IT Crowd: Season 2
The IT Crowd: Season 2
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo
Category: Serie
Category: Serie: Season-Box
Category: Serie: Season-Disc
Category: Serie: Serie vollständig
Watchable Profile
Making Of, Kommentar, Outtakes
 2.01 The Work Outing
Chris O'Dowd....Roy
Richard Ayoade....Moss
Katherine Parkinson....Jen
Brett Allen....Donald
Ash Atalla....Rampant Gay Man
Nicholas Burns....Jerome
Noel Fielding....Richmond
Lydia Fox....Laura
Adam G. Goodwin....Barman
Gavin Keenan....Singer
Jamie Michie....Philip
Guy Porritt....Policeman
David Schaal....Dec
Adrian Schiller....Judge
Kim Wall....Manager
Lorna Watson....Milly
John Snowden....Theatre Photographer (uncredited)
Belinda Stewart-Wilson....Barbara (uncredited)
 2.02 Return of the Golden Child
Chris O'Dowd....Roy
Richard Ayoade....Moss
Katherine Parkinson....Jen
Matt Berry....Douglas
Silas Carson....Derek Pippen
Noel Fielding....Richmond
Alex Macqueen....Vicar
Chris Morris....Denholm
Belinda Stewart-Wilson....Barbara
Charlotte Weston....Stephanie
 2.03 Moss and the German
Chris O'Dowd....Roy
Richard Ayoade....Moss
Katherine Parkinson....Jen
James Bachman....Jeff
Matt Berry....Douglas
Andrew Brooke....Policeman
Richard Cambridge....Bad Guy
Gerald Lepkowski....Jorg
Philip Rham....Johann
 2.04 The Dinner Party
Chris O'Dowd....Roy
Richard Ayoade....Moss
Katherine Parkinson....Jen
Noel Fielding....Richmond
Sarah Hadland....Margaret
Orla Hannon....Mother
Orlando Seale....Peter File
Catherine Shepherd....Jessica
Dolly Wells....Paula
 2.05 Smoke and Mirrors
Chris O'Dowd....Roy
Richard Ayoade....Moss
Katherine Parkinson....Jen
Richard Atlee....Stephen Premel
Matt Berry....Douglas
Cordelia Bugeja....Abi
Amelia Bullmore....Helen Buley
Gemma Cousins....BBC Woman
Adam Farr....Peter
Peter Sullivan....John
Kirsty Wark....Herself
 2.06 Men Without Women
Chris O'Dowd....Roy
Richard Ayoade....Moss
Katherine Parkinson....Jen
Matt Berry....Douglas
Graham Linehan....Blind Irish Sorcerer