Herkunftsland: |
Großbritannien |
Jahr: |
2006 |
Regisseur: |
Graham Linehan |
Freigabe: |
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: |
Laufzeit: |
2:24 (144 Min.) |
Verpackungstyp: |
Keep Case |
Bildformat: |
Color, 1.78:1 Anamorph Breitbild |
DVD-Format: |
Einseitig, Einschichtig |
Veröffentlicht: |
Sammlungstyp: |
Besitz (#11120) |
Status: |
Verfügbar |
Kaufdatum: |
27. Oktober 2008 |
Kaufpreis: |
Versteckt |
Bewertung Film: |
Bewertung Video: |
Übersicht |
Roy and Moss toil in the squalid basement of a huge company, fielding IT help desk calls. Roy has a lousy attitude coupled with an eye for the ladies, while Moss is dressed by his mother and has an aerosol can of water clipped to his belt with which to spray his ear when it gets hot.
Into their life of 'users', pizza, science fiction and firewalls comes middle manager Jen, a punky can-do career gal who doesn't know one end of a laptop from the other. Can she introduce real life to men who email the fire brigade in an emergency, who invent a psycho for an internet dating site and display sympathetic PMT symptoms once a month?
'The IT Crowd'. It's more than a way of life, it's a sitcom. |

Audioformate |
Englisch |  | Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo | Audio-Kommentar |  | Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo | Audio-Kommentar |  | Dolby Digital 2-Channel Stereo |
Untertitel |
Andere |
Tags |
Category: Serie Category: Serie: Season-Box Category: Serie: Season-Disc Category: Serie: Serie vollständig Watchable Profile |
Extras |
Making Of, Kommentar, Entfernte Szenen, Outtakes, Short Film: 'Hello Friend'
Mitarbeiter |
Besetzung |