Highlander 2: Renegade Version
Originaltitel: Highlander II: The Quickening
Herkunftsland:  USA
Jahr: 1991
Regisseur: Russell Mulcahy
Freigabe: Freigabe
EAN, Land, Regionalcode: 017153-590029
Laufzeit: 1:50 (110 Min.)
Verpackungstyp: Keep Case
Bildformat: Color, 2.35:1 Breitbild
DVD-Format: Einseitig, Einschichtig
Veröffentlicht: 23. Oktober 2001
Sammlungstyp: Besitz (#296)
Status: Verfügbar
Kaufdatum: 20. Februar 2007
Kaufpreis: Versteckt
Bewertung Film: 0 / 10
Bewertung Video: 0 / 10
Prepare to experience a totally new incarnation of one of the most spectacular cinematic adventures...in the Director's Cut, Highlander 2: Renegade Version. This is the re-edited, completely restored saga of the continuing exploits of immortal Connor MacLeod (Lambert) and his swashbuckling mentor, Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Connery). Whether you're a die-hard Highlander fan, or a newcomer to the incredible universe of the Immortals, prepare to discover what millions have discovered before you: "There can be only one!"
Highlander 2: Renegade Version
Highlander 2: Renegade Version
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Englisch  Dolby Digital 5.1
Audio-Kommentar  Dolby Digital Mono
Category: Film
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Watchable Profile
Szenenanwahl, Making Of, Kommentar, Galerie, THX zertifiziert
Christopher Lambert....Connor MacLeod
Sean Connery....Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez
Virginia Madsen....Louise Marcus
Michael Ironside....Gen. Katana
Allan Rich....Allan Neyman
John C. McGinley....David Blake
Phil Brock....Cabbie
Rusty Schwimmer....Drunk
Ed Trucco....Jimmy
Stephen Grives....Hamlet
Jimmy Murray....Horatio
Pete Antico....Corda
Peter Bucossi....Reno
Peter Bromilow....Joe
Jeff Altman....Doctor
Diana Rossi....Virginia
Randall Newsome....Max guard
Karin Drexler....Brenda
Max Berliner....Charlie
Eduardo Sapac....Holt
Michel Peyronel....Kid #1
Sebastian Morgan....Kid #2
Bruno Curichelli....Zeist Chief Justice
Daniel Trovo....Justice #2
Diego Leske....Justice #3
Julio Breshnev....Voices (Stimme)
Jonathon Slator....Supervisor
Ted McNabney....TV reporter #1
Patricia De Biaggi....TV reporter #2
André Gere....TV reporter #3
Jorge Ochoa....Stage manager
Jorge Varas....Latin supervisor
Alan McCormick....Teenager
Miguel Fernández Alonso....Roy
Roderick Cameron....Security technician
Nora Zinsky....Cabin attendant
Ezequiel Eskenazi Storey....Max leader
Jacques Arndt....Scientist #1
Nicolas Deane....Scientist #2
Helen Buck....Asian technician
Andres Geringer....Russian technician
Matt Johnston....Cobalt man
Héctor Malamud....Psychic chef
Pedro Loeb....Gen. Katana's aide
Americo Gallo....Gravedigger
Dana Swain....Safety spokesperson
Nicolas Frey....Yuppie #1
Eduardo Nutkiewitz....Yuppie #2
Mausi Martínez....Ciudadana oriental
Russell Mulcahy....Shield Control technician
Paul Bucossi.... (uncredited)
Harry K. Garvin....Alarm technician (uncredited)